domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

El futuro de la profesión docente. Future of teaching profession

 El futuro de la profesión docente necesita una profunda revisión y reflexión sobre su papel en la educación del futuro. 

La educación del siglo XXI tendrá que hacer una revisión del currículum que realmente interesa a la humanidad para alcanzar un mundo más sostenible y habitable, donde las diferencias entre pueblos y calidad de vida sean cada vez menores.

PISA ha supuesto un gran revulsivo por sus aportaciones sobre los resultados que obtienen los sistemas educativos de un gran número de países del mundo. Sin embargo hay muchas preguntas sin responder. ¿Mide Pisa los aspectos más importantes de los sistemas educativos? ¿Buenos resultados en PISA garantizan una sociedad más justa?

Otra cuestión de gran calado sería encontrar la relación entre los resultados académicos y el aprendizaje de valores y principios de igualdad y equidad por parte de todo el alumnado. O lo que es lo mismo, aquellos países que tienen mejores resultados en PISA logran que, a la vez, los estudiantes adquieran valores y principios para construir una sociedad donde el respeto a los derechos humanos, la igualdad y la equidad está más presente en toda la sociedad. 

 Aquí os dejo una información muy interesante al respecto, espero que sea de vuestro interés.

Cambridge Seminars in partnership with OSF, OECD and EI

Future of the Teaching Profession, 2012
Sustaining Teachers' Professional Growth, 2013
These Cambridge seminars organized in partnership with Open Society Foundations (OSF), Education International (EI), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) bring together practitioners, researchers and policy-makers who are committed to enhancing the development of the teaching profession. After the success of the 2012 seminar on the Future of the Teaching Profession, the agreement to hold a second demonstrated a shared recognition that system wide teacher policies are vital to the success of education in every country.
The timing of the seminars are not an accident, organised as they are immediately prior to the International Annual Summits on the Teaching Profession. The seminars are intended to strengthen the discourse on the future of teaching and teachers which the Summits focus on at a government and teacher organization level. For this reason the seminar planning group for the 2013 event also included representatives from the Netherlands Ministry which is hosting the 2013 Summit.

2013 Seminar - Sustaining Teachers' Professional Growth

The 2013 seminar on Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Growth complemented the areas explored at last year’s seminar on the Future of the Teaching Profession. It examined how governments, school communities and wider societies alongside teaching professions can create the optimum conditions for sustaining teachers’ professional growth so vital to enhancing the learning of children and young people.


Sustaining Teachers' Professional Growth: A Report is available as a [pdf] pdf. [pdf] Appendix 2. [pdf] Appendix 3.

Background papers

MacBeath, J. (2012) [pdf] The Future of the Teaching Profession, 2012. Brussels: Education International.
MacBeath, J. with Frost, D., O’Donovan, K., Sapsed, R. and Swaffield, S. (2012). [pdf] The Future of the Teaching Profession Seminar, 16th – 17th February 2012: A Record of the Discussion. Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network: University of Cambridge.
MacBeath, J. (2013). [pdf] The Future of the Teaching Profession: a summary of issues from the 2012 Cambridge seminar, Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network: University of Cambridge.
Bangs, J. and Frost, D. (2012). [pdf] Teacher self-efficacy, voice and leadership: towards a policy framework for Education International. Brussels: Education International.
Figazzolo, L. (2013) [pdf] The use and misuse of teacher appraisal: An overview of cases in the developed world. Education International.

Papers presented at the seminar

Čelebičić, I. (2013) [pdf] paper presented at Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Growth Seminar, 18th – 19th February 2013.
Ingvarson, L. (2013) [pdf] paper presented at Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Growth Seminar, 18th – 19th February 2013.
McLaughlin, M. (2013) [pdf] papers 1, [pdf] 2 and [pdf] 3 presented at Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Growth Seminar, 18th – 19th February 2013.
Ruesink, H. (2013) [pdf] papers 1 [pdf] and 2 presented at Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Growth Seminar, 18th – 19th February 2013.
Thorpe, R. (2013) [pdf] paper presented at Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Growth Seminar, 18th – 19th February 2013.
Vieluf S., et al. (2012), [pdf] Teaching Practices and Pedagogical Innovation: Evidence from TALIS, OECD Publishing.

Presentation podcasts

Framing the themes of the seminar with Peter Gronn, John, Bangs, David Frost, Mary Metcalfe, Guntars Catlaks, Dirk Van Damme and Hans Ruesink

Policy Focus: Governments and teaching profession creating optimum conditions with Maureen McLaughlin, Hans Ruesink and John Bangs

Teacher Focus: teachers' voice and teacher leadership with John MacBeath, Tunde Kovacs-Cerovic, Lawrence Ingvarson and Dirk Van Damme

Practice Focus: examples from four countries with Chris Ingate and Val Hill, George Oduro, Susanne Winnubst and Simon Verwer and Ivona Celebicic

Closing remarks with Mary Metcalfe, Hans Ruesink, John MacBeath, John Bangs and David Istance

2012 Seminar – The Future of the Teaching Profession


A Record of the Discussion at the event is available as a [pdf] pdf.
The Future of the Teaching Profession, by John MacBeath 2012 can be read online or downloaded as a [pdf] pdf.
Further connections: OECD Innovative Learning Environments and EI news

Presentation Podcasts

Introduction by John Bangs and Peter Gronn. Keynote presentation by John MacBeath:
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State of Nations with Guntars Catlaks, Dirk van Damme, David Frost:
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Getting the Measure of Teaching with John MacBeath, Peter Dahler-Larsen, Kristen Weatherby:
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Towards a Professional Future with John Bangs, Gordana Miljevic, Philippa Cordingley, Nina Bascia, David Istance:
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Closing Remarks with Mary Metcalfe, David Istance, David Edwards and John MacBeath:
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